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liberal education造句

"liberal education"是什么意思  
  • But for the world's opinion, those experiences would have been simply a liberal education .
  • They are trained in this art from their youth, and are not always of noble birth, or liberal education .
  • They want their child to have a liberal education
  • Many educators advocate a liberal education
  • That vision is the range of the liberal arts and liberal education
  • The forms of liberal education promotion and martial arts restraint in the song dynasty
  • But for the world s opinion those experiences would have been simply a liberal education
  • The purpose of this essay is to give a detailed analysis of michael oakeshott ' s idea of liberal education
  • The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one ' s mind a pleasant place in which to spend one ' s time
  • Liberal education seeks to clarify the basic problems and to understand the way in which one problem bears upon another
  • It's difficult to see liberal education in a sentence. 用liberal education造句挺难的
  • Still , liberal education does not require a single and uniform standard , let alone a government imposed one
  • And so it will be found that other voices raised in criticism of liberal education fell upon deaf ears until about a half - century ago
  • So as to mathematic teaching , requiring students study overpass their thinking , this is chiefly leaching aim and request of liberal education
  • Therefore , the general education ( liberal education ) program was identified , designed and promoted with the ultimate goal of reforming our university education
  • He concluded by emphasizing that , in reparation for the future , a liberal education must constitute the core of leadership and creativity the cornerstone of competitiveness
  • Professor ng said the approach will meet the hot topic of " liberal education " and he hoped students of the school will benefit from the university s whole - person education ethos
  • Source : robert m . hutchins , " the tradition of the west . " the great conversation : the substance of a liberal education . chicago : encyclopedia britannica , 1952
    资料来源:罗伯特m .哈金斯, 《西方的传统》 ,载《伟大的对话:大人之学的精髓》 。芝加哥:大英百科全书, 1952 。
  • This paper explores the value of traditional literature , especially its use in the cultivation of emotions and the development of imagination , for liberal education in our own times
  • This paper explores the value of traditional literature , especially its use in the cultivation of emotions and the development of imagination , for liberal education in our own times
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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